My husband and I are both immigrants. My husband moved from India to the USA in 1993 to continue his studies and I moved the same year from Germany to start a Management Trainee program that led to my employment. we met in 1997 in NYC and got married in 2000. We were both super lucky as we found jobs easily but my dad was a refugee from East Prussia, nowadays Poland, during WWII. He lived on an estate with his family and when he was 9 years old the Russian army was closing in on them and they fled, walking for weeks in the bitter cold until they were assigned a room for his mom and his 3 siblings at a farmer’s house in the Northern parts of Germany. Nobody wanted the East Prussian refugees and they were treated badly every single day. My dad and his siblings still managed to finish high school walking to school every day for an hour one way and he financed his studies of fire resistance materials at the University in Aachen by working in a steel factory at night. He shared a room with a fellow student and in order to take a bath they went to the local swimming pool (Schwimmbad) once a week. Aachen was still being rebuilt after the war. Luckily my dad found employment right after he finished his studies at Rheinstahl, a big steel manufacturer and later was able to get his PhD as an Engineer but the trauma from having been a refugee never left him.