C.A.'s Story

Love brought me here the year 1989, after having finish university in the country I was born the time was right to be reunited with my now wife, we were young and full of impetuous aspirations, dreams that we desire to accomplish, travel to see the world and more education, so we made a plan and imported merchandise and bought a motor home, thus we sought America all of it, well almost all from Florida to Alaska, from Maine to California almost a lo Jack Kerouac we had debts and we pay them while seeing the people the beautiful people, the beautiful country we travel over forty thousand miles in about two years including a stint in the Bering sea fishing for three months, then traveling was over and time to return to the university UNM hard work more debts more beautiful experiences, at the end of it our first son came and the real deal began, now he is twenty six and doing a master at UC Boulder, is a long story full of everything, sorrow and deep joy, gratitude and friends another son too he is nineteenth an student at UF, now is late and I'm going to bed, the story is much more long..good nigthLove brought me here the year 1989, after having finish university in the country I was born the time was right to be reunited with my now wife, we were young and full of impetuous aspirations, dreams that we desire to accomplish, travel to see the world and more education, so we made a plan and imported merchandise and bought a motor home, thus we sought America all of it, well almost all from Florida to Alaska, from Maine to California almost a lo Jack Kerouac we had debts and we pay them while seeing the people the beautiful people, the beautiful country we travel over forty thousand miles in about two years including a stint in the Bering sea fishing for three months, then traveling was over and time to return to the university UNM hard work more debts more beautiful experiences, at the end of it our first son came and the real deal began, now he is twenty six and doing a master at UC Boulder, is a long story full of everything, sorrow and deep joy, gratitude and friends another son too he is nineteenth an student at UF, now is late and I'm going to bed, the story is much more long..good nigth
