Sybylla's Story

I am second generation from four Irish born grandparents. Each arrived here individually from east west, south and northern parts of the island. One family lived in New York City , starting in Manhattan then moving to the Bronx. A working class family my father had to sacrifice his education to help support them. My other grandfather lived in the countryside of New York, in what is now a bedroom community. With 6 sons he created several businesses and was a successful entrepreneur who sent my mother, the only daughter, to college.

He lived through a rural upbringing to the invention of the telephone, cars and because of his long life he saw a man land on the moon. My mother was interested at the advent of commuters and became trained. She loved finding data on her parents migration, including seeing the data entry of her own mother's arrival on Ellis island.

Her two best friends were first generation immigrants, one from England and one from Iceland. They were life-long friends.

I was steeped in my Irish heritage. Both my parents visited more than once, however none of my grandparents ever returned.