Brendis's Story

Born in Mexico, grew up in India, lived in South Carolina and finished high school in Wales, my life has always had movement. My identity exists past borders and within every home I inhabited. I identify as a queer transnational woman of color and find home more of a sentiment I carry within.

Since 2014, I have lived as a dual citizen as a Mexican and an American. These two identities however don’t overlap and frankly hold a lot of contrast and tension.

The white centric culture of the united states makes us forget. Forget lineage. Forget memories. Forget purpose and integrity. One way I have chosen to decolonize and center community is to remember where I come from and remember how I hold myself.

I have loved the exhibitions and encourage visitors to not just look at the stories of others but to dive deep and reflect their very own lineages. To center yourself and embody practices of remembrance.